Frequently Asked Questions

About Noobrain

1Where can I find more information about Noobrain?
Additional details about Noobrain, their offerings, and their approach can be found in the sections like "Home", "About us", "Nutratherapy", "Brain Supplements", and "Contact" here on our website.
2What is Nutratherapy™?
Nutratherapy™ is a cutting-edge treatment method designed by Health Protection, the creator of Noobrain. It focuses on long-term results by consistently taking a personalized formula. This method aims for sustained improvements in memory, executive function, reaction time, and learning. More details can be found on their Nutratherapy™ page.
3How can I create my formula on Noobrain?
At our home page, click the "Test your brain now" button, after that you can create your formula by following the guidance provided on the website and evaluating their progress.
4What cognitive areas does Noobrain focus on enhancing?
Noobrain aims to enhance focus, creativity, problem-solving, memory, executive function, reaction time, and learning.
5How can I test my cognitive abilities?
You can start with CogniFit® Free Brain Tests and continue testing with engaging CogniFit® games.
6How can I track my progress with Noobrain?
Users can track their progress by scanning each pouch and playing games on the Noobrain app, this way we can keep track of your evolution and constantly improve your formula and your results.
7What is the significance of the Nutraceutical Revolution?
It emphasizes the positive impact of nutraceuticals on health, memory, focus, and cognitive performance. Also, it represents the change in habits and the switch from chemically produced medicines to natural options with proven results.
8Who designed Nutratherapy™?
Nutratherapy™ was designed by Health Protection, the creator of Noobrain.
9Is there a focus on long-term results with Noobrain?
Yes, with Nutratherapy™, users embark on a personalized treatment regimen that focuses on long-term results, it is not an instant solution, but a complete and overall approach that demands consistency.
10What payment methods are available?
We accept credit and debit cards from Visa, Mastercard, and American Express or through a Paypal account.
11Are Noobrain supplements allergy free? Do they have any contraindications?
Yes, at Noobrain, we follow SOP-QA-7 (Standard Operating Procedure) to control and manage allergens in the production facility. Noobrain is not recommended for people under 18 years of age, as well as pregnant women and anyone who is already being treated for any illness.
12How long will my order take to arrive?
Our average delivery time is seven days. However, the delivery time may vary depending on where you live. For more information about delivery status, go to your login area > my order > delivery time.
13Noobrain supplements have scientific evidence?
Yes, all the supplements that constitute the Noobrain formulas are backed by science.

About The App

1How does the app work?
The Noobrain app is designed to monitor your cognition improvement and suggest changes to maximize your health quality. It works by connecting to your Apple Health or Google Fit account to access your cognition-related data. The app analyzes your patterns and provides valuable insights. It also tracks your intake of Noobrain supplements by scanning the pouch, which helps optimize the results.
2Where can I download the app?
You can download the app at Google Play or Apple Store, just type “Noobrain” at the search box or scan the QR Code at the website.
3What insights can I expect about my cognition quality?
The app provides valuable insights into your overall cognition, what you could do regarding habits to improve it and the evolution of your treatment
4How often should I use the app?
To achieve better results, use the app daily to monitor changes and improvements over time, everytime you take your Noobrain pouch, remember to scan it so we can keep track of your progress.
5Is there a cost associated with the app?
No, the app is totally free to use.
6What if I have feedback or suggestions for the app?
We welcome user feedback! You can submit your suggestions through the app or contact our support team by email.

Ready to Unlock Your Brain's Potential?