
Ashwagandha helps with:

  • Memory and Learning
  • Short-term Memory
  • Attention


Plant Based




Herbs, Roots & Barks

Age Range



May be toxic in high doses

What is Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a powerful medicinal herb that has been utilized for centuries due to its remarkable ability to support both physical and mental well-being. This incredible herb, widely recognized in Ayurvedic medicine, offers a multitude of benefits.

One of the key advantages of Ashwagandha is its nootropic properties. As a nootropic, it enhances cognitive function by effectively reducing stress and anxiety. By modulating the body's stress response system, Ashwagandha promotes a state of tranquility and equilibrium, which are essential for optimal cognitive performance.

Furthermore, Ashwagandha's therapeutic effects extend beyond stress reduction. This remarkable herb has been found to possess numerous other beneficial properties.

For instance, it supports the immune system, enhancing the body's ability to fight off illnesses and infections. Additionally, Ashwagandha has been shown to provide anti-inflammatory benefits, aiding in the reduction of inflammation and promoting overall health

Moreover, Ashwagandha has been recognized for its adaptogenic properties. As an adaptogen, it helps the body adapt to various stressors, both physical and mental. This adaptogenic quality makes it an ideal herb for individuals seeking to enhance their resilience and ability to cope with daily challenges.

Learn more about Nootropics >

Short-term Memory

Short-term memory, also known as working memory, is the temporary storage and manipulation of information that we actively hold in our minds.

It plays a crucial role in our daily lives, allowing us to remember and process information in real-time.


Attention is the cognitive process that allows us to selectively focus on specific stimuli or information while filtering out irrelevant or distracting input.

It is crucial for maintaining concentration, prioritizing tasks, and engaging in goal-directed behavior.

Try Noobrain

Noobrain is a personalized nootropic that includes Ashwagandha. Boost your memory, attention, and executive function with Noobrain today!